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Max Devving

When Max Devs, Max Devs hard. Working from a beach as he digs in and pops his dev hat on, there 's no stopping Max

Max Cooking

Do you know what the Max is cooking?

Max Singing

Nobody drops harder bars than Max. Lives life to the max

Max Chilling

There 's time for work and then there 's 3x time for chilling

Max Asteroid Mining

Max understands the need for asteroid mining and owns several outer space colonies

Max Jeeting

Sometimes a max gotta Jeet

Max Kamehamehaing

Max trained Goku
Also max taught the saiyans how to kamehameha

Max Miladying

Max is also a master of the arts of seducing a Milady

Max Scoring

Max scores blinders but sometimes misses sitters

Max Bidding

Max always bets on himself